miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009

5th Delivery

1. Short Story
Isaac was a 37 years-old Jewish man. He was born and lived in Warsaw. Henry was a doctor, one of the best in Poland, and he lived with his wife Elizabeth and his 7 years-old son David. Isaac grew up as an orphan child, since his parents died of a weird disease that spreaded over Warsaw years ago, fortunately he wasn’t infected and he achieved to survive, and with this event he learned to appreciate life no matter what happened. Isaac was a wealthy man who lived in one of the best neighborhoods in Warsaw. However, he was a very kind man who helped people and often gave money to poor people. He lived vey calmly until the World War II started. When the War started, all Jews were asked to register in a government control list and days later he and his family, as well as all Jews, were taken out from their home and taken to a concentration camp. Isaac was separated from his wife and son, who were sent to a section in the camp for women and children. Since the first time he stepped on in the concentration camp, he was mistreated by the guards. First, all Jews were hit and ordered in a line so that each one could tell to an SS officer his respectively occupation. Those whose occupation wasn’t considered relevant for the concentration camp were immediately disappeared, nobody knew where they were sent until three days later, when they were told they were killed in gas chambers, once again Isaac achieved to survive because his occupation was really important. However, he got very worried for her wife and his little son. Isaac was sent to the camp’s infirmary to work as a doctor to help German soldiers and occasionally Jewish prisoners. He worked there the three years he spent in the camp, watching his people dying, being mistreated and hit, starving and even killed. Isaac was mistreated as a common prisoner but not killed. With the years, he got very skinny, he began to starve, he had to use dead people’s clothes and he got weak because of the hits he received. He thought that the only thing that kept him alive was the wish to see again his son and wife.One day, a new decree was published and the Jews began to be killed more often. Isaac got very scared when one day he was told that he was going to be killed the next day. Luckily, the next day American troops arrived to the camp and freed all the Jews. Isaac was extremely happy but at the same time he showed anguish and desperation in his face. He found out that the other prisoners were in the same or worse state than him. Isaac ran to the women and children section as fast as he could with hope and a huge fear. He looked for his wife and son in many places until he found them. He hugged them with the greatest happiness he had ever felt.When it all finished, Isaac and his family moved to Israel, where they passed the rest of their lives happily.

2. Which is the motto used by the survivors of the Holocaust?
"Never Again".

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