jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

1st Assignment Continuation

Elie Wiesel's Biography.
Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928 in Sighet, Transylvania, Romania. His father was Shlomo Wiesel and his mother was Sarah Wiesel. He had three sisters: Hilda, Beatrice, and Tzipora (who died in the war). His parents also died in the war but he, Beatrice, and Hilda survived. Eli and his family were Jews that lived during the World War II, they also were captured by German soldiers and sent to concentration camps.
Eli is a Jewish writer who focuses almost all his literature in the Holocaust, he has said that with it he wants to transmit peace and dignity to all humanity, but he also writes about theology and spirituality. He has written 57 books, but his most famous and important work is his memoir "Night".
Elie Wiesel was awarded with the Nobel Peace Priza in 1986 and was called by the Norwegian Nobel Committee as a messennger to mankind.
Nowadays, Elie Wiesel is professor and political activist.

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