domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

Arts And Crafts

Art: the products of human creativity; works of beautiful or significant things; creation of things that have a special meaning.

Crafts: any of a number of items produced using original art techinques and that have an important cultural significance.

Fine Arts.
1. Literaure: The Lord Of The Rings
This book is a very good example of literature because it's an excellent and exiting modern book that is liked by many people wether they're young or grown-up. The trama is very good.
2. Dance: Swan Lake
It's the most known ballet and it's very beatuful and complex. It talks about a princess transformed into a swan.
3. Music: Smells Like Teen Spirit
It's considered the third best song of history and it's performed by grunge band Nirvana, one of the best bands in the world that never went with the flow like mediocre recent bands. It's a revolutionary song that began the x generation.
4. Painting: The Mona Lisa
It's an enigmatic painting by Da Vinci and it's the most famous painting in the world. It's the most visited painting in the Louvre Museum.
5. Sculpture: David
It was constructed by Michelangelo and it's in Florences. According to experts it's a perfect symmetric figure.
6. Architecture: Sagrada Familia
It's a modern never-finished church in Barcelona. It's a huge structure created by Gaudi, a catalan architect. It's a very beautiful piece of architecture.
7. Film Making: Star Wars
It's an exiting movie and it has been one of the most viewed movies ever. Its special effects are incredible and it treats about a war happening a long time ago in a far galaxy with amazing techonology.

1 comentario:

jennie riveroll dijo...

Good analysis. Complete work. M.Jennie